I pulled up my blog today and sat shocked at what I saw: the date of my latest post: April 23, 2011. This realization triggered some genuine feelings of self-loathing. I have abandoned my blog completely for almost a year.
By the way, I see that you all have really missed me. Thanks for that.
Regardless, I determined that I would certainly not let a full year lapse without a scintillating commentary or visual exhibition to entertain you all, my faithful followers.
Because I do not have an actual topic to blog about today and because I am so happy that it's springtime and because Tulip Time is a month away (someone really should inform the tulips which are coming up now) and because I can smell the fresh, gooey stroopwafels that make right the world, I thought I would simply share with you some of my favorite spring photographs.
Aren't run-on sentences fun? I think so.
a butterfly having an afternoon snack...
a gorgeous thunderhead billowing toward the heavens...
a nest holding the promise of new life...
the little miracles...
flowers small yet full of splendor...
adventurous babies...
life bursting forth from death...
sweet, luscious smells of spring.